Meter Aggregation Analysis Solution
Verification and reconciliation of daily and interval meter data.
The Problem
- Multiple sources of meter data can lead to inconsistencies
- Customers need to see a consistent data view
- Billing calculations must produce matching results regardless of meter data source
- Meter communication issues create data issues
Why Fractal
Delivered parallel solution with Fractal Programming.
Parallel application ran over 1,000 times faster, reduced storage 90%, and eliminated meter data errors.
Utility is able to bill with confidence that meter data is correct.
Utility now has an independent way of checking billing and meter data.
- Delivered parallel meter data management system to check system-of-record
- Reconciled all interval data against all daily data
- Reconciled all daily and interval data against billing system data
- Machine learning module to identify unusual consumption patterns
Eliminated need for $10 million meter data management system re-write.